ep6network | Network security

Network security, Security softwares,wifi security, wireless security


At first welcome to my Network Security forum. Here you can find all the security features of a network and Operating system also. In this blog you will find the best notes. I tried to simplify and descriptive those notes. You can find here different types of Adware and Spyware threats and their prevention, definition of Different types virus and procedure their cure, Antivirus and some link of free antivirus, spy cure, adware cure etc. we can also learn here How to secure telephone network, Large area network (LAN), Wide area network. Here I have provided the trick of Firewall, The architecture of a network, Cryptography, Internet Key exchange, IP security, Crypto History, Cryptography Blocks and many more which will help you to further study. And this is not the end Keep visited this blog and I will provide you more a more security tricks. And don’t forget to comments on that if it is bad or good. Please do comment on my thesis. Your comments will help me to upgrade my thesis. And if you want some exact notes on some security tricks. Please do inform me. My email id is ep6secuirity@gmail.com I will try to do my best, if I will not be able to fulfill your requirements, I will make you inform.

Thanks and Regards

Utsav Basu

For – ep6network.


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All-Purpose Tools

The following tools serve as workhorses for making connections over HTTP or HTTPS. Alone, they do not find vulnerabilities or secure a system, but their functionality can be put to use to extend the abilities of a web vulnerability scanner, peek into SSL traffic, or encrypt client/server communication to protect it from network sniffers.


Where Netcat deserves the bragging rights of super network tool, curl deserves considerable respect as super protocol tool. Curl is a command-line tool that can handle DICT, File, FTP, Gopher, HTTP, HTTPS, LDAP, and Telnet requests. It also supports HTTP proxies. As this chapter focuses on web auditing tools, we’ll stick to the HTTP and HTTPS protocols. By now, it has become a de facto tool on most Linux and BSD distributions, plus Mac OSX and Cygwin.


To connect to a web site, specify the URL on the command line, like so:

$ curl https://www.victim.com

Automated scripts that spider a web site or brute-force passwords really demonstrate the power of curl. some of the most useful of curl’s options.

Useful Web-Oriented Curl Options




Set a client-side header. Use an HTTP header to imitate several types of connections.
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0

Spoof a particular browser
Referer: http://localhost/admin

Bypass poor authorization that checks the Referer page
Basic Auth: xxxxx Set a username and password
Host: localhost Specify virtual hosts



-b uses a file that contains cookies to send to the server. For example,
-b cookie.txt includes the contents of cookie.txt with all HTTP requests. Cookies can also be specified on the command line in the form of -b ASPSESSIONID=INEIGNJCNDEECMNPCPOEEMNC; -c uses a file that stores cookies as they are set by the server. For example, -c cookies.txt holds every cookie from the server. Cookies are important for bypassing Form-based authentication and spoofing sessions.


Submit data with a POST request. This includes Form data or any other data generated by the web application. For example, to set the Form field for a login page, use -d login=arbogoth&passwd=p4ssw0rd. This option is useful for writing custom brute-force password guessing scripts. The real advantage is that the requests are made with POST requests, which are much harder to craft with a tool such as Netcat.


Change a POST method so that it uses GET. This applies only when you specify the –d option.



Set the username and password used for basic authentication or a proxy. To access a site with Basic Authentication, use -u user:password. To access a password-protected proxy, use -U user:password. This is meaningless if the –X option is not set.


Set the URL to fetch. This does not have to be specified but helps for clarity when many command-line options are used. For example, —url https://www.victim.com/admin/menu.php?menu=adduser Curl gains speed optimizations when multiple URLs are specified on the command line because it tries to makes persistent connections. This means that all requests will be made over the original connection instead of establishing a new connection for each request.


Set an HTTP proxy. For example, -x http://intraweb:80/.


Set a configuration file that includes subsequent command-line options. For example, -K www.victim.com.curl. This is useful when it becomes necessary to specify multiple command-line options.


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